Thursday, May 15, 2008


Ok, so the film doesn't LOOK so bad.  It is hard for me to watch know when you create something, it's so hard to keep positive about it.  There are a million things I would change or tweak...the learning curve is a bitch.  And, seriously- what the fuck was I thinking taking on so many jobs at once??  Especially on my first film??  Am I crazy, or just plain stupid?  Ok, ok- I promised myself I wouldn't make excuses and be apologetic and here I am feeling all apprehensive about the damn thing being up- no wonder it took me a year to get it together.
Breath in...
Breath out...
Its all about the process.  This is part of it, isn't it?  Developing your language and figuring out what you're skills are...and, of course, what you just plain suck at.  I just wish I could turn off my internal dialogue sometimes, don't you? 

Friendly Fire is finally up?

Finally got my film Friendly Fire up and running. I wrote, directed, edited and acted in this 15min short...and haven't done shit with it! Haahaaa! Actually...that's not really funny.
Constructive criticism is always welcome...

Monday, May 5, 2008

So anyway...

I was thinking it might be a good idea to explain the whole lostsouthasian thing. It has been my moniker for like, 10 years or something. The whole idea behind it is the displaced South Asian- daughter of immigrants, born in North America, struggling to find some kind of balance between the opposing Eastern and Western cultures that make up who I am. Therefore, I'm lost and wandering- an amalgamation of several different polarities. My mom hates it. The whole 'lost' thing being a negative- I actually think its more of an advantage- being able to cross over and fit into a variety of social circumstances...
ho hum. a big fat drum.