Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Slacking much?

Wow.  Do I ever feel like a blog slacker.  BUT it's been busy over here in lostsouthasian-land!  Big moments in life, like moving in with the parents to help them downsize, after a scary accident proved that it is indeed time for them to slow down.  Being a full-time step-mom to my 19 year old step-daughter. Which is incredible.  Started a youth pre-professional dance company, which I just barreled into with out a thought as to whether it would be successful or not.  A good thing, because that nagging negative voice inside my head?  GONE.  Yeah, she starts up every now and again, but I've somehow managed to deal with her quite effectively.  At least for now.  I've never felt so productive or so clear.  It's been hard work to get here, but man was it worth it.  Do the work on yourself people.  You won't regret it!

I've got a lot of things on my mind, regarding the state of the world and- more specifically- humanity.  What is really going on??  As I ponder my next blog (or vlog) post, I will leave you with this little dance + film exploration video I did a couple of weeks ago.  It's unlisted, so just click the link below!


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Guess What??!

I know, it's been a while but...I got hitched!

To this awesome human. 

So yeah...brb!